
There is no order


Role: Free-lancer

Technologies: .NET CORE 3.1, Entity Framework Core, Identity, MVC, Html, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Git & Github

Description: This website is my first freelance job and it's about publishing all open academic staff adverts in one place. I develop this website with .Net Core using the MVC pattern. I also configured the domain and hosting for this website. It was a wonderful experience to work with new customers since I could see real-life problems with hands-on experience.

Car Rental Project

Technologies: ASP.NET CORE WEB API, MSSQL, SOLID Principles, Multitier Architecture, Angular, Html, Bootstrap, Git & Github

Description: This was my first full-stack web project. When I was learning the basics from Bootcamp, I implemented this project. That was the first time I use frameworks in a project and I loved the part about how they are getting things easier. It took 3 months to build the entire app and it was a challenging, good experience. Since the project was approved by the tutor as a good implementation of what we learned in boot camp, it took 90 stars at Github from colleagues.

Wordle Mobile

Technologies: Flutter, Git, Gist & Github, Singleton Design Pattern

Description: This project is an offline and Turkish implementation of the game Wordle. Since this game was so popular recently, my brother wanted to play it more and more. And I took that as a challenge and create the offline mobile version of Wordle. The hardest part of this project was to handle edge cases and to use the Provider package as a state management system. Even though it was my first time with the Provider package I took the advantage of using the Redux state management system before.

Scholarship Application System

Role: Software Developer

Technologies: .NET CORE 3.1, MSSQL, Identity, MVC, Html, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Git & Github

Description: After I discovered my passion for application development, I took my first project about web development. This project was a food scholarship application system and all the applicants were students of Kocaeli University. I learned how to treat forms, model states, and HTTP requests. The hardest part about this project was I had not enough experience in MVC and databases. I did not aware of migrations and code-first databases. And I also tested this project manually and I got so many production-time errors.

Application System for Certified Courses

Role: Software Developer

Technologies: .NET CORE 3.1, Entity Framework Core, Identity, MVC, Html, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Ckeditor, Git & Github

Description: Kocaeli University Career Center decided to make online certified courses with the pandemic and they needed an online platform. It was the first time I created code-first databases and a rich text editor for text inputs. Since the client was very indecisive about what is in or not in UI, I added conditions for all UI elements.


Role: Software Developer

Technologies: Flutter, REST, Git & Github

Description: HES is an app in Turkey that is an abbreviation for "Hayat Eve Sığar" which translates in English as "Life Fits Home". HES app is the equivalent of the NHS Covid-19 app in Turkey. I build KOU HES app as an extension to the HES app. With the KOU HES app, our security personnel at the Kocaeli University's gates can check if the person is entering the Kocaeli University is from Kocaeli University and if she/he has COVID risk. If both conditions are met, the app would give positive feedback. My professor built the back-end to combine the HES and Kocaeli University Student Information System. I read the API documentation and implemented them in Flutter. The hardest part of this job was to create responsive UI and give feedback with voice. Fortunately, I found packages in such as Sizer and Flutter TTS and implement them in the app. Also, I had to resolve HES codes from barcodes using a Camera but it was easier than I thought.

KOU Mobile

Role: Software Developer

Technologies: Flutter, REST, SOAP,Git & Github

Description: KOU Mobile is an app to follow Kocaeli University Student Information System from mobile devices. This was my first project with a team and we develop this project with Flutter. I learned how to manage states, how to make HTTP requests with SOAP, and how to use tokens to manage sessions. We release this app in Google Play Store for our university and right now it has 2400+ downloads with a 4.1 rating from 50+ users.

Postgraduate Education Application System

Role: Software Developer

Technologies: .NET CORE 3.1, Entity Framework Core, Identity, MVC, Html, Bootstrap, JQuery, Webpack, Git & Github

Description: There was an application system for postgraduate education at Kocaeli University. My job was to update this project by new requirements. Even if I am familiar with the technologies that were used, it was hard to update such a huge codebase, but we collaborated well, and we updated the system successfully.

Academic Staff Application System

Role: Software Developer

Technologies: .NET CORE 3.1, Entity Framework Core, Identity, MVC, Html, Bootstrap, JQuery, Webpack, Git & Github

Description: There was an application system to be a part of the academic staff at Kocaeli University. My job was to update this project by new requirements. The project was similar to Postgraduate Education Application System but there were more updates.

Kocaeli University Exam Navigation System

Role: Software Developer

Technologies: Flutter, Open Street Map, Open Route Service, Git & Github

Description: Our government organizes exams in our faculties. When those exams happen there are so many people from outside and they often need directions to our faculties. As we are the Research and Development Center of the University we created an app to navigate people. It was my first time with the Open Street Map and Open Route service. Since we need collaborative plan of Open Route Service, I got in touch with them and took our collaborative plan API key.

Voice Assisted Navigation App for Visually Impaired People

Role: Software Developer

Technologies: Flutter, REST, Google MAPS, Git & Github

Description: This project is our end-year project. My friend and I are trying to create a turn-by-turn real-time voice-assisted navigation app for visually impaired people. We achieved to make voice-assisted navigation but it is not real-time, and we are trying to make it in real-time right now.