
Kocaeli University / Computer Engineering

Courses: OOP, OOAD(Object-Oriented Analysis and Design), Data Mining, Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Robotics, Fuzzy Logic, Data Structures and Algorithms, System Programming, and Digital Design

GPA: 3.64

Work Experience

Most recent at the top

Volunteer Experience

Most recent at the top

  • Google Developer Student Clubs Flutter Days, Speaker March 2022
    • I gave an introduction to Dart and Flutter in 2 days with 10+ live participants which resulted in 20+ likes and 100+ views in a month.
  • OCEAN UAV, AI Engineer September 2021 / Present
    • Compared 5+ object tracking algorithms and measured their performance.
    • Helped to label UAV dataset.
    • Participated in in-flight tests.


There is no order

Car Rental Project

Technologies: ASP.NET CORE WEB API, MSSQL, SOLID Principles, Multitier Architecture, Angular, Html, Bootstrap, Git & Github

Description: This was my first full-stack web project. When I was learning the basics from Bootcamp, I implemented this project. That was the first time I use frameworks in a project and I loved the part about how they are getting things easier. It took 3 months to build the entire app and it was a challenging, good experience. Since the project was approved by the tutor as a good implementation of what we learned in boot camp, it took 90 stars at Github from colleagues.

KOU Mobile

Role: Software Developer

Technologies: Flutter, REST, SOAP,Git & Github

Description: KOU Mobile is an app to follow Kocaeli University Student Information System from mobile devices. This was my first project with a team and we develop this project with Flutter. I learned how to manage states, how to make HTTP requests with SOAP, and how to use tokens to manage sessions. We release this app in Google Play Store for our university and right now it has 2400+ downloads with a 4.1 rating from 50+ users.


Role: Free-lancer

Technologies: .NET CORE 3.1, Entity Framework Core, Identity, MVC, Html, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Git & Github

Description: This website is my first freelance job and it's about publishing all open academic staff adverts in one place. I develop this website with .Net Core using the MVC pattern. I also configured the domain and hosting for this website. It was a wonderful experience to work with new customers since I could see real-life problems with hands-on experience.

Wordle Mobile

Technologies: Flutter, Git, Gist & Github, Singleton Design Pattern

Description: This project is an offline and Turkish implementation of the game Wordle. Since this game was so popular recently, my brother wanted to play it more and more. And I took that as a challenge and create the offline mobile version of Wordle. The hardest part of this project was to handle edge cases and to use the Provider package as a state management system. Even though it was my first time with the Provider package I took the advantage of using the Redux state management system before.